Thursday, September 10, 2015

Week 7-(Tutorial week) - Visit to 8Q museum and Peranakan Museum.

 During the one week tutorial break, I visited the 8Q museum at SAM as well as the Peranakan museum. My main aim was to take some interesting photographs for my e-journal as well as to explore the place on my own to see if I can find any interesting finds.

Here are some photos taken at the 8Q museum @ SAM. It is a part of the SAM too, just that it is located further down the road. It gives off a vintage feel as well.

The entrance sticker for all visitors at SAM. took a snapshot of this with the background.

I then asked for directions to head to 8Q @ SAM. it was just a short walk away as its just opposite SAM itself. Let the adventure begin!

More directions around SAM to guide visitors to the way to SAM at 8Q. I followed the signs and walked to the museum.

this was one of the exhibit I went to at 8Q. it is a huge photograph made up of many many polaroid films. I forgot about the actual number but I definitely know that it is quite interesting.

moving on, this was one of the exhibits. its like a small room that has many stands for music scores.

 This is some information about the exhibit being placed on the wall of the exhibit's room. I walked around and look at some of the exhibits at the 8Q museum but there was nothing much hence not many photos as the place is quite boring also.

Moving on, I walked down to the Peranakan Museum that is located in between city hall and Dhoby Ghaut area.

I got a entrance sticker from the lady at the counter. Entrance is free by the way.

This was taken at the entrance of the museum before I went in. I guess the sculpture represents the little girl pleading and getting her way to go to the museum. This statue being placed here makes people attracted to it, and want to have a look inside this museum.

First, I started off with the introduction to traditional Peranakans segment. When I saw all these being placed under the glass table I immediately took my phone out and snapped it. The displays shows the items that nonyas use in the past.  

These are some of the jewelleries that the perankans used to wear last time. It looks so different from what we are wearing nowdays. Those that they used to wear last time, looks so vintage and classy.

These are some of the beautiful cutlery set that they use as well. I like the colours that they used on the cups and on the teapot. it is really traditional and pleasing to the eyes. I don't think we can find this kind of cutlery sets easily in Singapore nowadays since most of us are not that traditional anymore, right?

I was walking around the exhibits and I saw this post card like thing, and it turned out to be some visitors feedback form. So, I just took a photo of it for fun sake.

Next, I went to the cultural side. I spotted the late Mr Lee Kwan Yew's potraits inside as well but did not take any shots of it. The guy in the portrait on the right seems like Mr Goh Keng Swee. As for the other side, I think the people in the potraits are pioneers and important people in Singapore.

This is also a painting of somebody who has a part to play in Singapore's growth and development.

I then went on to the wedding section side, and spotted many beautifully decorated and designed traditional costumes being put on display. The intricate design on the collar and sleeves makes the whole costume stand out. I also realise that the Peranakans love to use light colours in the olden days.

More traditional costumes when I turned my back around after taking the photo above.

This was taken at the dining section. The peranakans are quite particular about the cutlery they use I guess as almost all of their cutleries are so well designed and really too beautiful to use. I took more shots of the cutleries that I found along the way. I felt like I just sank into some peranakan home.

More beautiful brightly coloured bowls and pots. aren't they really pleasing to look at?

this was used in some traditional altar ceremony. I dare not take any other shots after this as the next one was about death (the funeral procession) . I did not even stepped in to the funeral procession exhibit as it was creepy just by peeping into it from outside.

Some description about the Sam Kai Altar that visitors can read or take a look at.

Ending off with this sweet-coloured piece of fabric that is also being used in weddings. I forgot what was this actually for but I did remember that it was meant to be used during weddings.

I made this museum trip on my own and I felt a great sense of achievement as I managed to conquer 3 museum visits individually and I got to explore the different museums and what they had to offer to us. It was truly a great experience going to museums after museums and exploring the different type of museums that Singapore has. And yes, I did mention that I went to 3 different museums. I also went to one opposite SMU, The National Museum of Singapore. However, it was disappointing because I made my way there and I left after awhile because most of the exhibits were covered up, undergoing a revamp. I was disappointed as that museum has alot to look at too. I'll definitely have a museum date with my friends in future.


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