Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Week 7- Human expressions with objects.

  It's amazing how things or rather objects like building or houses have human characteristics like human expressions. Here are some interesting finds that I've got from the area around NAFA and along Bras Besar stretch as well as near my neighbourhood.

A curious face expression. the grey building with three main windows at the top.
this was taken along bras besar road near Q8 @ SAM.

this was taken at a void deck. it represents a pair of straight eyes and a mouth that is like shock expression.
this is a happy expression. it is taken upside down and it looks like its giving a smiley and happy face with the two windows at the bottom as eyes and the roof as a smile.
this is a fierce expression. with the bottom two as eyes and the white big space as mouth that's opened wide.
This is another smiley face that is taken beside NAFA and it is taken upside down. This is like a cute smiley face due to the nose shape. the roof represents the smile.
this is like a fierce expression. the two windows at the top is the eyes while the round gate is the mouth that is like grining and gritting the teeth.
this was taken at a hair saloon. it represents the frustrated expression. it is actually a image of a steamer for hair-dos used in saloons. When I saw this face, I immediately took a snap of this.
             This is a one eyed face. the square is the eyes while the middle lock is the nose and the           bottom line is the lip. it also looks like it is winking or showing a cute face.

This is a curious expression, made up of gates. The two square-ish shapes are the eyes and the middle flower like shape is the nose, its like half the face, only features.
This is taken from a microwave at home. It is a grumpy and sleepy expression. The eyes are half closed and droopy and the lips is like duck lips.


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